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Searched for: all of the terms [ jennifer ] [ brady ] in author name
34 results found
  1. Public Humanities in Spanish Teaching and Learning: Community Engagement and Agents of Change cover
  2. <i>Fashioning Spanish Cinema: Costume, Identity, and Stardom</i> by Jorge Pérez (review) cover
  3. <i>La censura cultural en el franquismo: Estudios y entrevistas</i> ed. por Ramón Tena Fernández y José Soto Vázquez (review) cover
  4. <i>Incidencia de la censura franquista en la literatura juvenil: Diferencias al respeto a las publicaciones para adultos</i> by Ramón Tena Fernández (review) cover
  5. Managing Editor’s Message cover
  6. <i>The Changing Face of Motherhood in Spain: The Social Construction of Maternity in the Works of Lucía Etxebarria</i> by Catherine Bourland Ross (review) cover
  7. <i>Postgrowth Imaginaries: New Ecologies and Counterhegemonic Culture in Post-2008 Spain</i> by Luis I. Prádanos (review) cover
  8. La maternidad imposible: hiperrealidad e histeria en el cine apocalíptico de Jaume Balagueró cover
  9. We are Stronger Together: Inclusivity and Collaboration in <i>Hispania</i> cover
  10. Once Again 'On the Threshold': Innovative Scholarship in <i>Hispania</i> in the Twenty-First Century Invests in Pedagogy and Partnerships cover